Are You Having Tax Issues? European Tax Centre Can Help You!
Prevent and Detect Tax Irregulation, and Fasttrack your Custom Tax Clearance
Looking to get tax clearance? Here is your opportunity to contact our European Tax Centre Department.
Tax Knowledge and communication factors are helpful to the economy and to the lives of citizens, but there are ways to prevent and detect them. European and the EU Member States share responsibility for ensuring that EU Funds are spent properly. With this aim in mind, European is continuously looking for ways to advance the Tax Knowledge and communication factors. Also providing communication to citizens
This includes providing Member States’ authorities and Tax practitioners with new tools and materials that will make it easier for them to prevent, detect, report and prosecute tax irregulations in relation to EU funds.
Finding the right information on the topic can be challenging even for Tax professionals. So what if we could offer them access in one place to videos, good practices examples, case studies, links to relevant legislation and other material on tax irregulation factors and detection in their own language ?
This is why European created the online EU Funds Tax Contact and Resource Centre. Enjoy navigating through the different sections, learn, get inspired and build capacities at your own path.
But if you are already a tax irregulation victim, then you can use the Contact Us to begin your compensation process
The information presented on this website is based on the cohesion policy regulations for 2013-2020. It shall not constitute an interpretation of EU law and does not commit the European Commission. Only the Court of Justice of the European Union is competent to authoritatively interpret Union law
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